Tuesday, April 27, 2021

How Creativity enhanced Integrated Marketing Communication IMC / Creativity :


Creativity means to create, to originate or to generate a unique ideas that does not exist or present in previous add in order to attracts customers , grasp their attention for the purpose of increasing  their audience, clients and customers. It means to combining two or more previously unconnected objects or ideas and generate new idea or something new. Creativity is very important in advertising . For creativity we needed art director and creative directors.

Creativity enhances IMC :

 It will inform the people.

 It will persuade the people.

 It will keep reminding the people.

Creativity help Message Inform:

Creativity has ability to inform. It will make a campaign more clear and researchers believed that this clearness attract attention of customers ,maintains interest and stimulates thinking. We can used different words, verbal, non-verbal , visual metaphor, color , illustrations,

designs and themes.

Creativity helps Message Persuade :

It will help to motivate people to some actions or attitudes, copy writers have created new myths and heroes. It will create a unique and distinctive image in the minds of clients and customers.it will makes you to think, it will change your perceptions . it will rises the value of product.

Creativity helps IMC Remind :

It will help to keep reminding . but the repetitions of the add make you boring and diminishing marginal return . Only creativity can make the add entertaining.

Creativity puts boom in campaign:

 We can use funny appeal to make add creative.

 But not always funny , we can also used others appeals as well.

 Good push lines are also required for creative add.

 We can also use unique and different meanings in our add and it must have better

understanding .

Styles of thinking :

There are two styles of thinking . first one is faced based style . In this style, people prefer reasons, logic ,structure and technical explanation. Second one is value based style, this style of people make decision on intuitions, values and ethical judgement , emotional and metaphorical. Both of styles are used but fact based style is more used because it will provides us information about the product.

Example of Creative add:

1. Google Search Add :

In this add , creativity is used. It is a fact based style add. In this add, it is providing information that how can we make a proper use of google .In this add, emotional appeal is also used when two friends meet with each other and they starting crying. This add is promoting values etc.

2. Fast food of Mc Donald’s Add :

In this add, creativity is used in color because color has a psychological impact on audience. They will exaggerate the size of burgers, used red, yellow, green color to attract the attention of customers. Offering different deals and discounts to grab the attention of customers.

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How Creativity enhanced Integrated Marketing Communication IMC / Creativity :

 Creativity: Creativity means to create, to originate or to generate a unique ideas that does not exist or present in previous add in order ...